Artist to Know: Sophie Victoria

Emily Robertson, co-owner and director of Montreal art gallery Galerie Robertson Ares (and as I mentioned in another Artist to Know post, my curator-soulmate), gives us a peak at their new show featuring multidisciplinary artist, Sophie Victoria.

Sophie Victoria is a contemporary artist whose work is a visual explosion of color and light reflection and refraction. Her show entitled Sophie Victoria: Qualia is on view at Galerie Robertson Ares in Montreal, Quebec from June 6 through July 6, 2024. Here is the gallery’s press release below, reposted with permission:

Sophie Victoria’s work explores the body’s experience beyond physical limits. She uses vinyl with dichroic film to create light interference, changing colors like a rainbow or an oil slick. Her art blends large gestural painting with light-reactive materials, resulting in a dynamic visual experience. Critics see her work as a mix of fashion and high art, but she aims to represent the subjective body and its interaction with the world. Her art reflects and refracts personal and external realities, much like an image of self that never fully reveals its true nature.

Here are some of my favorite pieces from Victoria:

To see more of her work, here is her bio and available pieces.

(Images courtesy of Galerie Robertson Ares)


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